1- يرسل الطلب
2- نطلب التفاصيل لتضح الصورة
3- يتم عرض التفاصيل على الباحث المختص
4- تحدد التكاليف
5- تاكيد الطلب وارسال اول دفعة من التكاليف
6- البدء بانجاز العمل خطوة بخطوة مع الباحث
7 - تسليم العمل واجراء اي تعديل لاحق دون الزيادة على المبلغ
BTS Academy not only dedicated to providing services to Masters and PhD students, the academy constantly strives to provide the greatest benefit to students from all over the world with regard to proper academic writing, and to provide them with the scientific basis upon which base themselves on Writing research and scientific letters ( Masters and PhD ).
To this end, the Academy offers a range of educational videos that aim to expand students' of academic writing, as well as provide educational videos to give students a picture and idea of the services the Academy provides to students.
All the educational videos were prepared by the BTS Academy staff who has received special education certificates in our academic field, and they are primarily seeking for help students to achieve The highest academic degrees in their Educational Goals